Question: 1 / 145

Which type of grass is Poa Annua?

Winter Annual Weed

Poa annua, commonly known as annual bluegrass, is classified as a winter annual weed. This means that it germinates in the fall, grows through the winter, and sets seed in the spring before dying off as temperatures rise in the summer. This life cycle allows it to thrive in cool season areas, where it can take advantage of the cooler temperatures and moisture available in the winter months. In contrast, summer annual weeds germinate in the spring and complete their life cycle by the end of summer. Perennial grasses are plants that live for multiple years, and biennial grasses require two growing seasons to complete their life cycle, typically flowering in their second year. Hence, the characteristics of Poa annua align specifically with the traits of a winter annual weed, confirming the correct classification.

Summer Annual Weed

Perennial Grass

Biennial Grass


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